Sensing the Future

Arrhythmia exhibition talks III

1 June 2024 Sat 14:00 - 16:00

The first panel of the "Sensing the Future" talk series which will question how art can help us to understand the major threats we face due to climate change will be moderated by Alice Sharp. The speakers of the panel include Prof. Dr. Muharrem Balcı, a hydrobiology expert who is also among the authors of the Arrhythmia exhibition book, and Güneşin Aydemir, a food activist who continues her civil society activities in the sphere of ecology. The panel will discuss climate change, which causes disruption and chaos in our natural systems, and consider the previous and current ways of confronting nature. The event will take place at the Perili Köşk on the 1st of June 2024, between 14:00 and 16:00. 

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